HRO points can be earned through multiple different ways and can be spent buying packs cards and used in crafting events (with more features incoming)
Here is the next 300 Edition Legendary Card that we'll all be able to craft in 9 days!
How do these crafting/puzzle piece events work on HRO?
HRO Puzzle piece crafting events last 5 weeks total. In the first 4 weeks collectors are able to claim 1 of 4 puzzle pieces per week! The 5th week is when all 4 puzzle pieces are able to be combined (burned from circulation) and replaced with a lower edition, higher rarity and complete card.
These cards and individual puzzle pieces have been a great addition to HRO. A key takeaway from these puzzle pieces is their eventual BURN POINT VALUE! The scarcer the piece the more points (and dollars) its worth - take a look at your night wing puzzle pieces from last year! 2500 points claims and are all over 10k+ burn value today
Who's claiming/crafting the next A1?